Search Voters List By Name and Surname

Welcome to Voters Listing based on Method 2 (Search by name and surname)

Please note that the names found here only reflect registration up to the previous quarter.

Please note also that your name would not be found here if you have been registered between quarters and the quarter has not yet ended.

This online list is identical to the printed lists which are found in the various constituencies.

Method 2: Please enter name and surname or part thereof eg. "Ch" for names like Charles.



Click on Select to view the location of your Polling Station:

If your polling station is showing The Orchid Lodge / The Old Paradise Pre-Primary School, this is because polling Division D01 has two locations. If you surname falls between “ABERDEEN and GAYMES", the Orchid Lodge is your polling station. If your surname falls between "GEORGE and WYNT", The Old Paradise Pre-Primary School is your polling station.

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